Easily connect your Maximiz account to Zapier for seamless integration. With this setup, contacts collected in Maximiz are automatically sent to a selected list in Zapier. Note that this integration syncs new contacts going forward and does not back-sync existing ones.
1. Select "Integration" from the left navigation bar
2. In the Integration page choose "Available Integration" section
3. You can search the Zapier in the search bar or you can find the Zapier icon in the available integration list.
4. Copy the Maximiz API key and click on the "Connect to Zapier" button and login to your Zapier account.
5.Click on the " Accept invite & Build a Zap"
6. Select the "Create" button located at the top left corner of the screen.
7. Now select the "Zap-automated workflows".
8. Add new trigger and search the Maximiz in app field.
9. In trigger event select the New contacts.
10. In account click on the "select" button and click on "Connect a new account"
11. Enter the Maximiz API key that you copied in the 4th step and click "yes continue to Maximiz"
11. Choose the lead type you wish to import. Hover over the "Lead Type" field to view the available options and enter the list name and click on Continue.
13. Next, go to the "Action" tab, select the app you want to send the contacts, complete all required fields, and all leads will be forwarded to the selected app.