Edit Account Details
In the "Account" section, users can edit their personal information, including usernames, email addresses, and passwords. Meanwhile, business owners have the capability to update details related to the organization.
1. Click on the settings icon at the bottom of the left navigation menu, or you can access the settings through your Profile section.
2. In settings choose the "Account details"
3. If you wish to change your full name, simply click on the "Full Name" text box. A pencil icon will appear; by clicking on this icon, you can edit your name.
4. Once you’ve made your changes, don’t forget to click the "Save" button to update your name.
Edit your Email
1. If you wish to change your Email, simply click on the "Email" text box. A pencil icon will appear; by clicking on this icon, you can edit your email.
2. Once you’ve made your changes, don’t forget to click the "Save" button to update your email.
3. After clicking on Save button, a verification email will go to your new inbox and then you can verify the email from there.
4. Once verified, the new email address will be automatically updated.